Get Rid of Fire Ants

D-Tec Pest Solutions are experts in Fire Ant treatments and have access to specialised Fire Ant treatments that are more effective than over-the-counter solutions. They can also provide preventative treatment methods for Fire Ants at your property.


We can help protect your home and business from significant damage and serious health risks from Fire Ants.

Fire ants are notorious pests that can cause significant damage and serious health risks. These ants are reddish-brown and are known for their aggressive behavior and painful stings. Fire ants build large mounds in open areas and can quickly infest a property if not managed properly. Effective fire ant treatment is essential for protecting your property and ensuring safety.

Professional Fire Ant Treatment

D-Tec offers professional Fire Ant treatments for your Home and Property.  D-Tec Pest Solutions follows Biosecurity Queensland in the National Fire Ant Eradication Program. They are Certified in treating and reporting for Fire Ants.

They offer effective fire ant treatments with a comprehensive approach that includes detection, targeted treatments, and ongoing prevention. By understanding the behavior and risks associated with fire ants, and employing a combination of professional solutions, D-Tec can protect your property from these aggressive pests.

D-Tec Pest Solutions - Fire Ants
Fire Ants

Fire Ants

Fire ants are a type of stinging ant native to South America, now found in many parts of the world, including Australia. These ants are reddish-brown and are known for their aggressive behavior and painful stings. Fire ants build large mounds in open areas and can quickly infest a property if not managed properly.

The Dangers of Fire Ants

Fire ants pose several risks:

  • Health Risks: Fire ant stings can cause severe allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis, which can be life-threatening.
  • Environmental Impact: Fire ants disrupt local ecosystems by preying on native insects and small animals.
  • Economic Damage: Infestations can damage crops, livestock, and property, leading to significant economic losses.
Cockroach Control
Cockroach Prevention

Identifying Fire Ants

Identifying a Fire Ant Infestation

Signs of Fire Ant Activity

To effectively manage fire ants, early detection is crucial. Look for the following signs:

  • Appearances: Copper brown in colour with a dark abdomen. They are quite small measuring between 2-6mm.
  • Mounds: Fire ants build large, dome-shaped mounds that can reach up to 18 inches in height. There can be a variety of sizes found within the one nest. No visible entry or exit points.
  • Trails: Fire ants often travel in visible trails between food sources and their nests.
  • Stings: Painful, red, swollen, severe burning stings with pain that can last up to and hour or even cause a severe or anaphylactic reaction.

WARNING - Be careful not to get too close as Fire Ants are aggressive and can swarm to attack and repeatedly sting you when disturbed.

Fire Ant Pest Control Treatment

At D-Tec Pest Solutions, our certified Fire Ant control technicians use a combination of methods and techniques to effectively treat a Fire Ant infestation. Our technicians can directly inject the nest with insecticides to target and eradicate colonies. We also utilise insecticidal baits spread across affected areas. Furthermore, D-Tec can offer a preventative treatment as a 6-monthly maintenance program that is not affected by rain, heat or cold that inhibits the development and reproduction of fire ant populations.

Our pest control professionals follow precise procedures during fire ant treatments, which include accurate identification and targeted application of treatment methods.

To ensure safety for humans and animals, technicians wear personal protective equipment, adhere to stringent application guidelines, and properly notify the National Fire Ant Eradication program of the treated areas to help stop the spread of Fire Ants.

Cockroach Pest Control

With D-Tec's professional approach and fully licensed, qualified, certified and experienced Technicians, they can effectively treat Fire Ants on your property. With over 25 years of experience, D-Tec are your local Fire Ant Treatment Experts in the Brisbane, Gold Coast, Logan, and Ipswich areas.

Find out more about effective Fire Ant control treatments for your property and make your home pest-free today.

Call now, ask us about our Fire Ant Treatments on 1300 725 758.