Frequently Asked Questions


We all know pesticides can be easily obtained from your local hardware, supermarket or produce store but due to their toxic nature, if carelessly used, they can be very harmful to you, your family and your pets.

  • Incorrect storage of the pesticide, storing in reach of children, in areas that can heat or placing the product in a non-labelled bottle up can be very dangerous.
  • Not knowing the safety precautions of how and where to spray. It is very important to take into consideration who is in the house e.g. pregnant women, asthmatics, children. Also if there are any fish tanks, birds or any other animals precautions need to be made. You need to know exactly where to apply the pesticide especially around food areas.
  • If baits are placed incorrectly this can be poisonous to both your children and pets if they digest it.
  • Not considering the environment or the weather. If it's a windy day (back spray from chemicals can go into the neighbour’s property) or if it is raining where the product can run into waterways.
  • When using the pesticide, you need to wear protective clothing, don't eat/drink/smoke etc or you can be at risk yourself.
  • If you do not follow the label and dosage recommendation you are at risk of like the restaurant owner, it can be very toxic and harmful to everyone.
  • All safety precautions will be considered. D-Tec sends out a checklist for your property and provides precautions and advice for both before and after your pest treatment.
  • We are licensed and trained to know the biology of pests and will use the best method for your pest problem and property.
  • We will assess the environmental conditions before completing your treatment.
  • All products and labels are followed and pesticides are always stored correctly.
  • We can correctly identify your pest that you are having problems with and know the most successful way of treating them for you.

If you have a pest control problem or concern it may save you a few bucks to do it yourself but call in the professionals especially when it comes to safety, knowledge and experience on how to treat the problem effectively and without risk to you, your family or pets.

With simple environmental considerations and regular timber pest inspections, the risk of an infestation can be reduced. Measures that should be taken around your home are:

  • Keep weep holes exposed – don’t cover them up with concrete paths and gardens.
  • Reduce gardens against the house wall exterior – this gives the termites a stepping stone to your house and provides them a source of food and moisture.
  • Fix faulty plumbing – anything leaking or producing water attracts termites.
  • Remove dead trees and stumps – this is a food source and is like putting a sign out to termites that says, “Dinner’s ready!”.
  • Replace untreated timber retaining walls with non-conductive materials.
  • Remove any timber in ground contact.
  • Replace mulches and bark with pebbles.

D-Tec offers a free termite quote or consultation. We can provide a range of effective termite treatment and preventative options including monitoring and baiting systems that can help give you peace of mind.

Any signs of termites should be addressed immediately. This includes:

  • mud packing
  • mud tubing
  • flying alates (termites)
  • quiet clicking noises in the walls
  • electrical damage
  • damage to timber
  • blistering paint
  • sagging doors
  • hollow timber window frames, skirting boards etc.

Flying termites, known as ‘Alates’, are the winged male and female reproductive of termites. They are the potential kings and queens of new colonies. They have reproductive systems and wings and usually fly away from their colony due to lack of food or overcrowding.

Flying termites have an equal pair of wings. The difference between flying termites and flying ants is the ants wings are larger at the front and smaller at the back.

They usually swarm at dusk and following swarming, they usually shed their wings and the mated pair finds a suitable place to establish a new colony.

Around your home they can sometimes be mistaken for moths or flying ants as they fly around the light. You may even see signs of their ‘dropped’ wings outside your front door or near a window sill.

If you find flying termites (Alates) around your home contact don’t panic. These reproductive termites have no chewing mouth parts but as the colonising flight originates from a main nest close by, we recommend having a termite inspection.

If possible, collect a few samples for the technician to see and analyse the type of termite colony when he arrives. You can also contact our termite experts directly on 0433 420 011.

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We offer competitive prices and packages.

Contact us on 1300 725 758 to book in your pest management treatment for your property.